COVID-19, connected workforce, virtual platform, remote work, profit maximization.Abstract
In today’s digital inclined world where at present due to COVID-19 pandemic remote work is the new norm connected workforce is the need of the hour. COVID-19 has forced every organization worldwide to accept remote work.
In the initial stages of COVID-19 organizations and employees worldwide were very skeptical of adopting remote work as no one was not sure about the results. Everyone was having this mindset that this arrangement would be a total failure as working on virtual platforms for such long hours and meeting deadlines was quite a challenge without proper know how of the virtual platform.
After more than a year working on virtual platforms the entire world has now come to realize that virtual platform is not a bad choice it is actually beneficial for the employees and the organizations.
Since organizations have willingly accepted the remote work model, hence there is a more need for connected workforce. Connected workforce means the entire organization connect with each other worldwide and in different time zones through online tools like cloud, video conferencing, Zoom platforms and other online source.
This paper is all about connected workforce. In this paper the readers would understand the concept, benefits and ways connected workforce can lead to profit maximization. This paper will also talk about a unique model of connected workforce.