Martin, G.T. 2005. Stelae from Egypt and Nubia in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, c. 3000 BC–AD 1150. – Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (Fitzwilliam Museum Publications)
This book is a catalogue of the collection of stelae from Egypt and the Sudan in the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge. The objects in the catalogue span a time–range all the way from Egypt’s 1st Dynasty to a modern forgery (cat. no. 127). The majority of the 127 stelae have hieroglyphic inscriptions, but the catalogue also includes stelae with texts in hieratic (cat. nos. 19 and 31), demotic (98) and Coptic (115–122), as well as Carian (100–103), Greek (104–114) and Cufic (123–126).
The majority of the catalogue text has been written by the author himself, but a number of other scholars have contributed to the text dealing with the inscriptions of individual objects in the catalogue, including S. Quirke (cat. nos. 19, 22, 30, 31), M. Marée (comment on cat. no. 30, also credited for suggestions for a number of readings etc. on other objects), J. van Dijk (cat. no. 36), K.A. Kitchen (cat. no. 43), J.F. Borghouts (cat. no. 78), J.D. Ray (cat. no. 98, 100–103), J. Reynolds (cat. no. 108) J. van der Vliet (cat. no. 109–113, 115–116, 120), S. Clackson (cat. no. 117–119), and G.J. van Gelder (cat. no. 123–126). Read more...