Molen, van der, R. 2005. An analytical concordance of the verb, the negation and the syntax in Egyptian Coffin Texts. Two volumes. – Leiden, Brill (Handbuch der Orientalistik, Section One. The Near and Middle East 77)
This massive two-volume work forms the second part of a projected three–part series by Rami van der Molen dealing with the language of the Coffin Texts, the first being ‘A hieroglyphic dictionary of Egyptian Coffin Texts’ (Van der Molen, 2000), and the third a projected grammar referred to in the preface (p. xiv) of the present work as ‘Morphology, verb and syntax – a reassessment’. Read more...
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How to Cite
Nyord, R. . (2021). Molen, van der, R. 2005. An analytical concordance of the verb, the negation and the syntax in Egyptian Coffin Texts. Two volumes. – Leiden, Brill (Handbuch der Orientalistik, Section One. The Near and Middle East 77). PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 3(1), 01-03. Retrieved from
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