Women empowerment has been the genre of literature existing for centuries for constructive reasons of the society. For the progress and higher development of the nation, it is vital that both men and women are provided with equal opportunities and equal rights. But unluckily in traditional lbo society, the role of a woman is limited to produce children specially to produce male children. As a woman, she is provided with respect and value on the basis of her fertility. If a woman is giving birth to girls only, she will not be considered an honored woman. The character of Nnu Ego has absorbed these values and it is the utmost desire of her to be an honored woman. The character of Nnu Ego is the true representation of the women empowerment revealing the inner most feelings and desires of a woman. The character of Nnu Ego is the major point of focus who knows her identity and her completion is dependent on having many children specially the boy one enen she decided to commit suicide when her first baby was died. Her marriage is also ended as Nnu Ego fails to have children. Her husband married with a woman who conceives quickly. So, in this modern era also, usually a role of woman is lemmatized to produced children only. The sufferings and problems faced by the women and how she survives and shelters her family is the honest example of women empowerment. “The joys of motherhood” by Buchi Emecheta explains a will power of women how she supports her family when her husband was not with her. This story also reveals that despite a lot of hardships and sufferings which a mother face to raise her children, man always blame a woman if children are doing something wrong which are against the moral values. Sometimes children also forget all the sacrifices of her mother and busy in their own lives. But at the end, when their mother died, they spend a lot on her funeral to show the world that they love their mother a lot. So, the author tries to explain the pain of a mother in this novel. It is the top most duty of children to take care of their parents when they are old likewise their parents cared about them when they were young and make the society happiest place to live in.