Dynamics of Islam Polygamy in Novel Literature Work


  • Lina Putriyanti
  • Rustono
  • Fathur Rakhman
  • Subyantoro


Education, multicultural, radicalism, religion, in Indonesia


Purpose: this research aims to describe the dynamics of polygamy marriage in Islam through text structures in a novel titled Perempuan Berkalung Sorban written by Adibah El Khaliqy.
Methodology: The data source was from Perempuan Berkalung Sorban written by Adibah El Khaliqy. The data were in the forms of word, phrase, clause, sentence, and paragraphs which were analysed by critical discourse analysis model by Teun A van Djik. The technique of collecting data was participant observation. The data analysis method used interactive and critical discourse analysis by Teun A van Djik.
Result: the first dynamics of polygamy based on macro structure was an allowance by the first wife. The second dynamic was a tragedy of pregnancy of the second wife candidate. The dynamic was based on superstructure with arrival of a impregnate widow by someone. Then, the other part was when the first and second wives were in a house. Then, the ending part was a divorce between the first and second wife. The micro structure found the third dynamic. It was when intimacy and the arrangement occurred. In this Islamic polygamy dynamic, it was found intimacy between the wives, the arrangement, and the enforcement demand. The stylistics realization realized into rude and rhetoric behaviour. It was the ignorance of the wife toward her husband. The wife blamed her parents upon what she experienced. However, there was no support from her parents upon her condition.
Value: polygamy marriage must be done by having the first wife’s allowance and must be in the right corridor of Islam. Polygamy in present day influences literature work. Because in the literature works, there were texts created by the authors to influence and alter the ideologies’ of readers. Therefore, this research is important to educate people about polygamy marriage via literature works. 


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How to Cite

Lina Putriyanti, Rustono, Fathur Rakhman, & Subyantoro. (2020). Dynamics of Islam Polygamy in Novel Literature Work. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(7), 3458-3474. Retrieved from https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/1925