The Procedural and Explanatory Texts Based on Entrepreneured Content in Forming Characters of SMK Muhammadiyah Students


  • Yustinah
  • Fathur Rokhman
  • Subyantoro
  • Ida Zulaeha


procedural and explanatory texts, entrepreneurial content, building the character of Muhammadiyah students


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide an overview about the procedural and explanatory texts based on entrepreneurial content as a means in forming the character of
Muhammadiyah students. This is intended to develop the competency of SMK students because the procedural and explanatory texts are vocational teaching materials. Furthermore, it is intended to support the competence of students „expertise in their fields in this and subsequent eras along with the development of sophisticated technology.
Methodology: Source of data in this study are in the form an analysis of enrichment book needs, enrichment book profile and test effectiveness of enrichment books. Data collection techniques such as observation and experiment. The methodology used in this research is Research and Development (R&D) which consists of a cycle that starts with an analysis needs, problems that require completion in the form of certain products produced. In this case the resulting product is a collection of procedural and explanatory texts based on entrepreneurial content in the form of enrichment book for SMK students.
Results: This research resulted the enrichment book of procedural and explanatory texts based on entrepreneurial content for SMK students. The result of this discussion can be used as providing the latest information on procedural and explanatory texts based on entrepreneurial content for the students as a means in forming character building Muhammadiyah students.
Applications/Originality/Value: Procedural and explanatory texts is applied as a fulfillment of enrichment book needs in the text-based learning through the texts for the potential development of SMK students. Besides that, it designed as the main factor in forming the personality of the students in the future as competencies support in accordance with their chosen majors, which still need knowledge and fulfillment of curriculum demands. 


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How to Cite

Yustinah, Fathur Rokhman, Subyantoro, & Ida Zulaeha. (2020). The Procedural and Explanatory Texts Based on Entrepreneured Content in Forming Characters of SMK Muhammadiyah Students. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(7), 3500-3511. Retrieved from