Impact of Dual Class and single class on the selected top market capitalized companies


  • Vishweswarsastry V.N
  • Dr Binoy Mathew


Dual class listing, Durban Watson, correlation, ARIMA.


Dual class listing of Class A and Class B offers variety of benefits to promoters, founders than general public with Class B shares ,this study has an objective to stationarize and normalize the share prices of selected dual listed companies and to correlate and regress the top market capitalized dual list companies and comparing the Indian DVRs with Foreign DLS. Pearson Correlation, ADF, ARIMA and Averages are applied to achieve the objectives and outcome of the paper indicates that Future DVR, Gujarat DVR, Jain Irrigation, Tata Motors DVR are stationary as per Durban Watson statistics and there are 24 negatively correlated and 42 positive correlated values where negative correlation is used for construction and forecasting of the top capitalized different class shares.


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How to Cite

Vishweswarsastry V.N, & Dr Binoy Mathew. (2021). Impact of Dual Class and single class on the selected top market capitalized companies. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(09), 187-198. Retrieved from